Pilates is for everyone
Young and old; men and women; athletes looking for a competitive edge; fitness enthusiasts seeking to improve flexibility, strength and posture; and those who are new to exercise and looking for a safe workout.

Pilates should never be boring
There are over 500 exercises in Pilates, so it should never be boring. Each session at Studio G is specifically tailored for your body and designed to help you reach your individual goals.
In essence, Pilates is strength and stretch with control. The exercises can strengthen your abdominals and back muscles, improve your flexibility and posture, and reduce stress. When taught correctly, Pilates is a safe but challenging workout for all ability levels.
In Pilates, the mind guides the body. The five parts of the mind used to guide the body are intelligence, will/desire, memory, imagination and intuition.
Joseph Pilates called his exercises Contrology (the art of control). Every exercise is done with complete control of the muscles.
Pilates focuses on strengthening the “Powerhouse,” or core. The Powerhouse is the abdomen, but it is also the sides of the body, the back, the hips, the bottom and the inner thighs. Every Pilates exercise initiates from the Powerhouse.

Each exercise was created to achieve a specific goal. Each movement involves a precise placement for every part of the body, and the focus is always on perfect form.
Pilates should be done with grace, fluidity and ease. The exercises should flow one into the other.
Pilates exercises coordinate with the breath. Proper breathing is essential to strengthening the Powerhouse.
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